THE BBQ & THE BEAT: Enjoying a Texas-style dinner with the mighty Nigel Glockler on Dec. 21, 2013. (Photo by Kim Glessner)
By “Metal Dave”
In 2013, I reviewed an advance copy of Saxon’s “Sacrifice” album here on 2Fast2Die. Much to my surprise, the wife of drummer Nigel Glockler saw it and got in touch to kindly extend thanks on behalf of herself and her husband. Wow! Who knew my little website was garnering such attention?
During our email exchange, I learned Gina (Mrs. Glockler) was a native Texan like me. As such, we also had a common familiarity with past Texas concert tours, including Iron Maiden, Saxon and Fastway in 1983.
At the time of our “meeting,” the Glocklers lived in Nigel’s native England, but often would visit Gina’s parents in Dallas over the holidays. On one such visit, Nigel and Gina spent a few days in Austin and invited me and my family (and a few of my lucky drummer friends) to dinner at Salt Lick BBQ where I had the time of my life listening to Nigel’s tour stories.
Always above-and-beyond when it comes to gracious hospitality, the Glocklers recently welcomed me and my family (along with my audio/video partner Steve Miller and and his wife, Charlotte) to their new home in Austin, Texas, where I interviewed Nigel about his relocation from England, his life-threatening health scare and the possibility of bringing back his signature headband (or not!). Enjoy …