When Pat Idle started calling me “The Patron Saint of Rock-N-Roll,” I admit I was a tad intimidated. Sure, it’s a grand-slam nickname from a dearly beloved friend, but it also sounds like a formal title that has the ring of responsibility. Who? Me? Patron Saint?
Making it sound even more like a call to duty is the fact that Pat not only can school you on Johnny Thunders and The Dictators, but also can name the drummers for the J. Geils Band and Billy Joel! When a guy with that much passion dubs you “The Patron Saint of Rock-N-Roll,” you can’t help but feel deployed. Thanks for the burden of confidence, Pat! I hope I’ve done ya proud.
For this and many other reasons — including his “Dice” Clay mannerisms, his love of street culture and his ever-ready willingness to toast brown-bagged beers — I’m saddened and honored to host Pat Idle’s last stand (stumble?) as frontman for The Gentlemen’s Social Club before he moves to St. Louis in a few weeks.
As much a farewell as it is a fair warning, Pat will be joined by some of the best bad company in the Lone Star State when Metal Dave Productions and 2Fast2Die.com proudly present The Gentlemen’s Social Club, The Valentine Failures, StrangeGun and The Jensen Eyes Friday Feb. 10 at the Red Eyed Fly in Austin, TX. Thanks for the friendship, music and misadventures, my friend.
Now, take a bow, buddy …

SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Listening to the Gentlemen’s Social Club will lead you into temptation and make you jones for the Dead Boys, early Aerosmith, Hanoi Rocks, Cheap Trick and other doomed-to-hell bands.
Plug your most recent project
I’d like to first start out by saying it’s a pleasure to sit down with 2Fast2Die. And, as always Metal Dave, you are the Patron Saint of Rock’n’Roll. At the moment, the only project I have my hand in is The Gentlemen’s Social Club. What can I say? I keep coming back for more! I’m lucky to be surrounded by those guys. Hopefully 2012 will see some new music out of us. We have enough material to make a second record and I think it’s important that we get some type of new record out of the past six years. Our first album was really just the first songs we came up with. I think we’ve grown musically and it would be nice to play something new for my parents so they don’t think I’ve completely wasted my life!
What album changed your life and why?
Good Gawd, Dave! There have been so many different records that have been important to me. When I was 13, “Nevermind the Bollocks” by The Sex Pistols was everything to me. There’s also “London Calling” by the Clash and “The White Album” by The Beatles. If I had to nail one down, it would probably be The Rolling Stones’ “Exile on Main Street.” It’s the perfect rock record. The mutherfucker has hips! “Tumbling Dice” is what you’re supposed to hear in the background while you’re making apologetic phone calls on Sunday morning for all the bullshit you caused the night before. It’s what I was listening to when I starting playing in bands and reminds me of the freedom of my early twenties. I worked in a deli and played in a band. I didn’t have a driver’s license or a car, and I practiced three times a week.
Name your first concert and share your memories of it
I can’t say I have a first concert memory, but I do remember living in Washington D.C. when I was in the fifth grade. That’s when I started going to see shows. I was lucky my mother had a really cool boyfriend who dug the hell out of me. He took me to see The Stones on the “Steel Wheels” tour and Aerosmith on the “Pump” tour with the Black Crowes opening. I saw Neil Young with freakin’ Social D opening up, and he took me to see The Who when they reformed. I will say my favorite concert memory was when the New York Dolls reformed and played at SXSW. It was during the day at Stubb’s Barbecue. It was just one of those moments when the rock’n’ roll stars aligned. Or maybe that was just the free Miller Light they were giving away. Bye the way, I believe you were at the show, Dave! [Editor’s note: Indeed, I was! If I recall, we were both in a SPIN magazine audience photo taken at that gig]
Any touring “horror stories” or Spinal Tap moments?
I don’t really have many. Usually I’m on my worst behavior because I’m not in my own city. I will say it really sucks when you play a five-band bill in San Antonio and every band on the bill before you sounds like a cross between Korn and Drowning Pool.
Your best and worst tattoo?
I happen to like all my tattoos. They remind me of where the hell I am today.
What was the name of your very first band and what were some other rejected band names?
Santa Cunt and the Dolphin Dicks. Now that is original!!! I keep telling my roommate, Johnny Venom, he should call his new project Pork Knuckle, but he’s having none of that!
What musical accomplishment are you most proud of?
I didn’t realize I had any musical accomplishments, Dave! Sorry, self deprecation seems to flow out of me any time I have to sit down and be serious. I recently threw on that EP I did with The American Idles and it actually blew me away. I seemed to hate it for years. In fact, I don’t even have a copy of it. I found a copy looking through Johnny Venom’s massive collection of old-school rap. It took a lot of years, but now I realize that dirty little recording reminds me of some of the most wild, but fun times in my life. Another moment that I’m proud of centers around the GSC cover of “Drunk Like Me” by The Dogs D’Amour. When I had the idea of putting this band together, the Dogs were a huge influence on me. I would spend many drunken nights fighting with other rock’n’ roll dorks like myself on Ebay for any Dogs album I could get my sweaty hands on. About a year after we started playing live, Tyla from the Dogs came to town and played a show with us. It was just him and a guitar, and he called me up on stage to sing “Drunk Like Me” with him. That was a kick-ass moment. It’s still up on YouTube. I’d also like to say it’s always an accomplishment to share the stage with the locals here in town like The Flash Boys, Sons of Hercules, New Disaster and Broken Teeth. There is still a rock scene in this town full of white-belt, bearded hipster douchebags – you just gotta look for it. Ha! Did I just cut my fan base down even more?
Share a secret. What is your hidden talent? Guilty pleasure? Unexpected hobby?
Well Dave, I don’t want to give away all of my secrets, however, I am a master at catfish noodling. I trained on the Mississippi River from the early age of 5. Ya know Dave, I’m just a red-blooded, all-American guy who likes Bruce Springsteen, Budweiser and cheeseburgers.
Name a rock star you’ve met who left a lasting impression and then name one who was a jackass
I’m not gonna say who the jackasses are, but living in Austin and getting to know guys like Jason McMaster and Chris Gates – and hearing all the stories guys like that have – is a crash course at the Rock’n’Roll University.
To see GSC honor Metal Dave on his birthday, click the top video below and listen to “Moderation.” For a slam-bang version of “I Get Around,” click the bottom video. See both and more in person Feb. 10 at Red Eyed Fly.
[youtube Jl1T3u9HdSo]
[youtube pPOPrmUs1yw]
he’s a good dude, for sure.
Aww thanks Dave. Its not a farewell my friend we shall meet again!!!
We better, my friend!
Aw, great article, Dave! Love Pat – all the best to him in his new life in St. Louis!!
Thanks for reading and posting, Kristin. Hope to see you at the show
Hells yeah… Pat gets around.
Ha! Nice one, Natchet. Indeed he does. See you on stage
Moderation? Naahhhh…
Thanks for reading and posting, Dan. Appreciate the feedback
I’m an old friend of Big Pat. My big brother for a good number of my formative years. Left Austin to return to Detroit, and we slipped away. I miss em.
If you scroll through my website you will find a photo of mine of Pat from 1999.
I love Pat. He’s back in Texas after a 2-year stint in St.Louis. Looking forward to seeing him soon and will share your story. Thanks for reading and posting
I hear some rumors of GSC doing a new record….some real gut wrenching ,anthemic,live by the sword,dirty gutter punk rock n roll soundtracks,music you listen to while doing unspeakable acts…….heh yeah,just like the last one,oh yeah a show or two summer of 15
Glad to hear it, Chainsaw
Dave will you send me the website link for Detroit Maintenance, that is my old friend John who I lost contact with, would love to recconect thanks bro!